Friday, March 7, 2014

Broadway High Shine Lip Gloss

Dollar General has a brand of glosses called Broadway High Shine Lip Gloss (manufactured by Kiss) and they are all $1! I had no idea if these were any good cause I couldn't find reviews anywhere so I thought I'd try a few out and see what I thought!

I got one in a light bubblegum pink color (Bubble Pop,) a bright coral (Orgasmic) and a purple (Fashionista.) First thing I need to tell you is that these are SUPER sticky and gummy which is exactly what I expected from a gloss that's only one dollar. My remedy for this? A colorless lipbalm (I use Chapstick.) I put on a quick swipe of it and THEN the lipgloss. Really makes a difference otherwise it's just far too distracting to keep it on long enough to even leave the house. I should add that these smell really great, which is always a plus!

Orgasmic was really nice. TBH, I don't have any coral lipsticks (I know, I know- I need to remedy that) but this gloss adds a nice, yet simple, pop of color. Will be great for spring and summer!

Fashionista left a little bit to be desired. I didn't expect it to be SUPER pigmented but a little more of the purple hue on the lips would have been nice. It adds shine to your lips though but with a barely noticeable shadow from the purple.

LOVED Bubble Pop. It was pigmented enough to tell that there was a "babydoll" tone but still very every day wearable

Would I recommend them? Eh, IDK. For a dollar I'd say give them a try. I DO like the pink and coral and really can see myself wearing them out in the future. Just make SURE to do a base coat of Chapstick!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! I couldn't find any others either!
